Gift Aid for St Stephens/EDEN West Bowling
This form will allow us to reclaim 25% more for any of your donations
To give to the Church:
St Stephens Church
Account Number: 90079979
Sort Code: 40-13-41

To give to EDEN specifically:
St Stephens Church
Account Number: 14515803
Sort Code: 40-13-15

Please use your initial and surname as the reference for payments, email if you have any questions.

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Your Email
Title *
Firstname *
Surname *
House number OR House name *
Postcode (IN CAPITALS) *
CHURCH/CHARITY NAME: St Stephen's Church Bowling PCC. Please treat all gifts of money that I make today and in the future as Gift Aid donations. DECLARATION: I declare that I am a UK taxpayer from this date below, and that I have paid UK income tax or capital gains tax, at least equal to the amount of the tax being reclaimed on this donation. I would like all gift aid to be applied to all my future donations also.
Gift aid starts from (If your Gift aid period is ending please let us know in the Other option) *
Data Protection
You data will be stored securely online and not be shared to any third parties, EDEN West Bowling will have access to contact you if you support them and have allowed them do so by consenting below. Givers are anonymised on prepared account.
I consent to my data being securely held *
My Mobile  Number (To be informed of church events)
Signed (please type initials) *
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