You may be wondering if the way we do church is changing due to the new virus strain, Omicron. We want everyone to feel safe and comfortable when they worship with us at St Stephen’s, so here’s how we’re taking appropriate precautions to limit the spread of Covid-19.
(Updated 6 December 2021)

To show care and love of one another we are encouraging everyone to wear a mask when we move around church and when we sing.

If you would feel more comfortable keeping a distance from others, please take a seat towards the back of the church, where chairs will be spread out to enable social distancing, and there is more ventilation.

Hand sanitiser
Hand sanitiser will still be available when you come in and we recommend that people use this, as well as regularly washing their hands.

After the service, when we have our refreshments, please do make use of seating so as to keep communal areas as clear as possible. Tea and coffee will be brought to you.

Please wear your mask whilst singing – this is to look out for each other and consider others above ourselves.
Aware that singing is air projected forwards if you do not want to be ‘sung over’, so to speak, please use seating behind others, i.e. towards the back of church / nearer to open doors.

When we celebrate and share communion this will be the bread dipped into the wine only (sharing a cup to drink from is still deemed too risky).
The Vicar/Administrant will wear a mask as communion is given.
We want everyone to feel safe, at ease and confident in being able to be church – the people of God gathered (ecclesia) for fellowship and worship. Please keep your Church Wardens (Sue and Luke) and Vicar/Curate (Jimmy/Hannah) informed of how you are feeling and how moving towards normal Christian worship is going for you.