St Stephen’s is active all through the week, not just on Sundays! Take a look at all the different activities we run regularly, and come along and join in!
Weekly church events
Daily prayer: Monday–Friday, 9am–9.30am for SHINE prayers and 6pm for Community prayer.
Sunday prayer: Meet at 10.30–11am for prayer before the service.
Sunday service: 11.15am. Everyone is welcome, we are inclusive, accepting, and non-judgemental.
InSync youth group: Sundays, 6–7.30pm. For 11–18s (year 7+) Email Luke for more details.
Online SEED group: Tuesdays, 7.30pm. Seed groups are a space to share life together, support and pray for each other (Support – Encourage – Expand – Disciple). We meet over Zoom, catch up about our weeks, study the Bible and pray together. Email Jimmy for the Zoom link.
Jesus 100 SEED group: Wednesdays, 11am–12.30pm, St Matthews Church. This group is studying the Jesus 100 book by Robin Gamble, praying for each other and helping everyone to grow closer to Jesus. Speak to Sue, or email Hannah if you would like more information.
Buttershaw SEED group: 6–7.30pm Tuesdays (term-time only). For more info text/Whatsapp Adam on 07952 228797.
Monthly activities
24 hour prayer: Every first weekend of the month, we dedicated 24 hours to prayer from 6pm Saturday to 6pm Sunday. A sign up sheet is available from the week before, so you can put your name down to pray for an hour, either from the church prayer room, or at home if you prefer. Speak to Sarah W to find out more.
Church lunch: Every third Sunday of the month, we share a church lunch together after the service. If you have something to share please bring it, but don’t worry if you don’t – we always have plenty!
Community activities
Our sister charity, SHINE West Bowling, operates out of the church building and is busy throughout the week for community activities. Visit the Community page to learn more. If you need to contact SHINE, please call 01274 738490 or visit
Our Eden team also run events and activities focussed on the Parkside estate in West Bowling. We always love to have more people join in helping, whether that’s serving hot chocolates at a community event in the park, delivering flyers or carol singing! Contact Luke to find out more about what we have planned and how you can join in.
St Stephen’s Church is a Warm Hub
Monday – Friday, 10am – 3pm
If you’re finding it hard to keep warm and heat your home in the winter, come and spend time in the church.
We have tea, toast and toys, so you can bring your children too.