Help your family and pupils to learn English and have fun.
Shine Words is a card game created to help young people who are new to the UK to learn the language they need to feel settled in their new home and to be able to express how they are feeling.
Eight languages
Every card features: Farsi, Kurdish, Latvian, Romanian, Russian, Polish, Slovakian, Urdu (plus English). These languages were selected through conversations with schools and refugee groups in south Bradford.
14 categories
The words cover 14 different categories: Daily places, Fun places, Animals, Clothes, People, Body parts, Emotions, Everyday objects, Time, Transport, Jobs, Activities, School and Health, plus there are seven blank cards for you to add your own words!
Multiple uses
The cards are designed to be used in a number of different ways: One-to-one support work, small group work and just as a fun game, eg. Snap, Happy Families, Charades.