Hello all,
It is truly a gift to be able to gather in different ways to worship and share our common life together.
Today’s Service
Here is link for today’s service and other times during the week:

FaB Church
FaB church is this afternoon at 3.30pm.
St Stephen’s West Bowling is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: FaB churchTime: Jan 17, 2021 03:30 PM London
Meeting ID: 836 8889 5094
Passcode: FAB
Children do need to have an adult present as this is an online gathering.
Thanksgiving Service for Lis Dey
For anyone wanting to follow the thanksgiving service for Lis Dey please contact Gordon on gordondey1@gmail.com to request a link for the YouTube streaming.
Thursday Lockdown Prayers
Lockdown prayers again on Thursdays at 6pm on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87866448267?pwd=TlF4ZG9KMXV6M0Z0WnZDZk9TcVJ2Zz09
Meeting ID: 878 6644 8267
Passcode: pray
Or by phone
Dial by your location +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 878 6644 8267
Passcode: 316569
Watch Sunday Service with Others on Zoom
Remember you can watch the Sunday Service with others on Zoom. Go to www.ststephensbd5.org.uk/sundayzoom between 11–11.15am to say hi before the service starts and interact/chat through the service.
Peace and strength,