Hello everyone,
Here is today’s service link for those who might want it and please see the other notices and links, of which there are a few!
Today’s service
You can rewatch today’s service, which has an elderly focus, here:
Worship Evening
Today, Sunday 7th February, at 6pm
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPPGeA6oCdvznVx7NXLOoFKQwwPd2L28c
Plus Zoom link if you want to join with others: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86268127122?pwd=b0dPR0NrNk1yVnduUXRYckNNNTU1UT09
Meeting ID: 862 6812 7122
Passcode: worship
24/7 Prayer sign up
Lockdown prayers on Thursday
Meeting ID: 878 6644 8267
Passcode: pray
or by phone
+44 203 481 5240
Meeting ID: 878 6644 8267
Passcode: 316569
Lent Course: Rhythms of Life
Finally, in preparation for Lent do have a look at https://learning.leeds.anglican.org/course/rhythm-of-life-lent-course/
which we are encouraging both churches to join as part of our observing Lent. We can join the course hosted by Bradford Cathedral. If interested simply email myself (jimmy4hinton@gmail.com).
Spring is coming!