Eden Sunday – 30 Day Challenge

In the service on Eden Sunday we heard from members of the team, like Joe and Lewis and Abby, on how they are building relationships with their neighbours.

We were also encouraged to do the same, and if you’re not sure where to start, why not try following this 30 Day Challenge? Each day there is a simple, small task or nice thing to do for your neighbours to help bless your community.

You can download the calendar graphic and print it/save it to your phone to remind you.

Or follow the list below:

  1. Take the neighbours’ bins out
  2. Check in with an elderly neighbour
  3. Leave an encouraging message for a neighbour
  4. Thank your local councillors
  5. Get to know a neighbour you’ve never met before 
  6. Pick up some litter 
  7. Smile at the people you see today 
  8. Give to your local food bank 
  9. Bake for a neighbour 
  10. Tidy a neighbour’s garden 
  11. Walk rather than drive 
  12. Paint some rocks for your community 
  13. Make a bird feeder 
  14. Say thank you to someone special 
  15. Give away books that you’ve read 
  16. Start a prayer wall 
  17. Leave flowers for a neighbour 
  18. Call someone who may be lonely 
  19. Freecycle some clothes or furniture 
  20. Give an umbrella to the homeless 
  21. Thank someone for all they do for you 
  22. Tell someone what you value about them 
  23. Join an app like OLIO to help you share with others
  24. Bless a key worker 
  25. Prayer walk your neighbourhood 
  26. Thank God for his presence in your neighbourhood
  27. Bless the local shopkeeper
  28. Tell someone you’re proud of them  
  29. Write encouraging messages in chalk 
  30. Have a socially distanced catch up

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