Hello everyone,
Today’s Service
Thank you for joining with others to worship Jesus remotely together and for your prayers for one another. Today we were reminded of the fact that we are in the midst of a spiritual battle in addition to one against a virus.
The service can be found on:

Other notices are that both churches have a PCC in coming days (1st and 8th)
Lockdown Prayers
We continue with Lockdown Prayers on Thursday at 6pm.
Meeting ID: 878 6644 8267
Passcode: pray
or by phone +44 203 481 5240
Meeting ID: 878 6644 8267
Passcode: 316569
24/7 Prayer
Next Sunday being the first of the month we again set aside time to pray 24/7 so do sign up for a slot: https://www.24-7prayer.com/emailredirect/cb13de2e50ac695aad8fbfe59e1ba869/
Sunday Zoom
Don’t forget that you can watch the Sunday Service with others on Zoom. Go to www.ststephensbd5.org.uk/sundayzoom just like you would normally log onto the live stream. There is a link there that will open up Zoom (you just need to have this installed on your computer), and the service will be streamed through it. It gives you a chance to wave to others, say hi, chat a bit after the service, or – if you don’t have a camera/don’t want to have a camera on – you can still interact with messages to other people.
Boo and Charlie’s wedding
And lastly Boo (Rebekah Hinton) and Charlie would love you to join in their wedding on 24th April. That will have to be remotely this year but a full celebration will be happening in April 2022. All details can be found on their wedding website:
Stay well, keep praying and overcome evil with good.
Love Jimmy