Sunday Notices – 1 November

Hi everyone, 
Today, the 1st November, is …….. ‘All Saints Day’ (which is why yesterday was ‘All Hallows Evening’ [or Halloween]) and we remembered the example of those faithful believers through the ages – and in the present. You can find the service here:

The notices for this week are below. 

24/7 Prayer Week starting today

We are going to try to fill 24 hours for 7 days with prayer 

You can sign up for one hour, or a few hours, or maybe even an hour a day on this link: . Perhaps you could do it with someone else on the phone or on Zoom or on a socially distanced walk? You can also find loads of helpful resources that Molly has put together on

APCMs and elections 

St Stephen’s meeting is Tuesday 3rd November at 7.30pm, St Matthew’s meeting is 9th November 2pm. These are planned to be in church – with the option to join via Zoom (email for the link).

We will need to elect churchwardens, PCC members, and diocesan synod reps – as well as respond to reports.However, with new news of a fresh lockdown from Thursday St Matthew’s PCC will have to be done on Zoom alone. Reports will be posted/delivered this week.

New Lockdown

For the next 4 Sundays we are no longer allowed to gather for even distanced worship so we will return to the live streamed format from earlier in the year. This is a huge disappointment – not least for those who find streaming difficult – but for the sake of all we are being guided to reduce any opportunities of contact that might put people at risk. If this works well enough though it might open up some chance of worship at Christmas. We hope and pray so.

Stay faithful, stay well, stay loving


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